Category: Release Notes

    SG 4 Update #51

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • > Fix the issue where hourly jobs are not run
      • – One of the hourly jobs delete cookies (user relogin sessions) that are no longer needed. The other log-rotates the local lawful intercept log if it has grown too large.
    • > Do a one-time purge of expired cookies and orphaned cookies (those not associated with any user account)
      • – This is done in the background and will not lock up the cookie database for the entire duration of the operation, allowing user login/logout to proceed without user-perceivable performance degradation.
      • – Please allow for up to 4 minutes for this background job to finish purging the unneeded cookies.
    • > Add TLS 1.2 support to a PHP email client component that is configured at Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client > External
    • > Note: Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client is the GUI for configuring the smtp_post API module’s SMTP settings. External SMTP is one of the options.
      smtp_post is used by the built-in email-verified form login processor to send out the verification email.

    Update Release No. 51
    Release Date: 13 Jun 2024
    Update File Name: 51.SG4000_base-hotfix-system-20240508-01.pkg
    (md5: d479a8759d398932e83d5cfe41733f3b)


    IG 4 Update #51

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • > Fix the issue where hourly jobs are not run
      • – One of the hourly jobs delete cookies (user relogin sessions) that are no longer needed. The other log-rotates the local lawful intercept log if it has grown too large.
    • > Do a one-time purge of expired cookies and orphaned cookies (those not associated with any user account)
      • – This is done in the background and will not lock up the cookie database for the entire duration of the operation, allowing user login/logout to proceed without user-perceivable performance degradation.
      • – Please allow for up to 4 minutes for this background job to finish purging the unneeded cookies.
    • > Add TLS 1.2 support to a PHP email client component that is configured at Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client > External
    • > Note: Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client is the GUI for configuring the smtp_post API module’s SMTP settings. External SMTP is one of the options.
      smtp_post is used by the built-in email-verified form login processor to send out the verification email.

    Update Release No. 51
    Release Date: 13 Jun 2024
    Update File Name: 51.IG4000_base-hotfix-system-20240508-01.pkg
    (md5: e839b39c528c6a073e7c47c459924548)


    SG 5 Update #9

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • – Fix the issue where the hourly scheduled job that does file rotation for the local lawful intercept logs is not running
    • – Fix the VLAN not being updated in the session monitor page when there is a change of VLAN for a downstream device

    Release Date: 30 April 2024
    Update File Name: 09.SG5000_base-sys-hotfix-20240425-01.pkg
    MD5 Checksum: 6d1e7a45b81b7ac9303286374cf392de
    File size: 452 KB

    IG 4 Update #50

    This update updates the gateway’s default ( SSL certificate. The new SSL certificate’s expiry is 14 April 2025.

    Update Release No. 50
    Release Date: 25 Mar 2024
    Update File Name: 50.IG4000_base-hotfix-certificate-20240321-01.pkg
    (md5: 84737fae98d73d505603a9a4988e9324)


    SG 4 UPDATE #50

    This update updates the gateway’s default ( SSL certificate. The new SSL certificate’s expiry is 14 April 2025.

    Update Release No. 50
    Release Date: 25 Mar 2024
    Update File Name: 50.SG4000_base-hotfix-certificate-20240321-01.pkg
    (md5:  974f48d26ac01c72ae743138b0478a03)

    SG 5 Update #8

    Release Date: 18 March 2024
    Update File Name:08.SG5000_base-sys-bulk04-20230822-01.pkg
    MD5 Checksum: a017b1e7574c0fe1da181c719c2d5560
    File size: 173 MB

    Note: this update takes up to 3 minutes to complete. Please wait for the update to complete. After the software update has been completed, the Updates GUI page will be updated to show the update status. While the software update is in progress, please do not start another instance of Update 8 patching.

    ASP 2.0 Update #5

    New Service – ANTlabsEzCast

    • – ANTlabsEzCast license configuration, network and room device configurations, casting report, usage, device health and dashboard
    • – ANTlabsEzCast server allocation to organization and site


    • – Add new font ‘TedNext’ for all portals
    • – Update Last Backup and Update Level columns to be sortable and searchable in site list
    • – Clean up command server tmp dir if folders and files are older than 1 month
    • – Add roaming add GUI to allow to create roaming in GUI
    • – Update Site List and Site Show pages to show Cast Server info
    • – Increase admin login idle time out from 1 hour to 8 hour
    • – Update site status group in left site selection panel to include cast server status
    • – Show cast server status and system statistics info in home page
    • – Update site list status column to include cast server status if cast server is assigned
    • – Re-arrange some menus, collapsed all menus by default added shadow below menu to improve look and feel
    • – Redirect to home page for all successful logins

    Bug Fixes

    • – Fix VIP plans option is not shown in portal PMS Authentication Configuration for PMS types: ‘Micros PMS (1700/2000/3700/4700/8700)’, ‘JDS Interface to Springer Miller’, ‘Accor FLINT-HTNG’, ‘Sky Touch Connect’
    • – Fix a0 to a9 options are not shown in password selectbox for PMS types: JDS Interface to Springer Miller
    • – Fix twitter login influence is not updated
    • – Fix Default portal is assigned to all vlans duplicated from another site
    • – Add 3 new categories [‘Child Sexual Abuse (IWF)’, ‘German Youth Protection’, ‘Child Sexual Abuse (Arachnid)’] to fix Web Filtering sync failure
    • – Fix HA status shows as unknown (SG5 Update 8 is required to send HA status)
    • – Fix 504 Gateway Timeout if ASP can’t fetch release notes from
    • – Turn off ipinfo check to load baidu map to reduce home page loading time if IP is from China
    • – Fix site count in org dashboard is not refreshed when site is deleted and popup is closed
    • – Fix Site Revenue page keeps refreshing when current logged in admin has no site
    • – Fix public ip option value is wrong in sample hotel portals added when new site is created
    • – Fix default month value is missing in Revenue page
    • – Fix Event Tier bandwidth config is not shown if Advanced QoS module is not enabled


    • – Add new API: Guest Session ADD API to add guest session from cast server
    • – Add new API: Guest Session UPDATE API to update guest session from cast server
    • – Add new API: Guest Session GET/GET All APIs to view or filter all guest sessions
    • – Add new API: Cast Session ADD API to add cast session from cast server
    • – Add new API: Cast Session UPDATE API to update cast session from cast server
    • – Add new API: Cast Session GET/GET All APIs to view or filter all cast sessions
    • – Add new API: Organization Cast Servers API to assign cast servers to organization
    • – Update Site License and Usage GET API to show site cast license info in API output
    • – Update Organzation License and Usage GET API to show organization cast license info in API output
    • – Update Site License UPDATE API to allow to configure site cast license
    • – Update Organizaton License UPDATE API to allow to conigure organzation cast license
    • – Update Site Add/Update APIs to assign cast server to site
    • – Update Site GET/GET ALL APIs to show cast server info assigned to site

    ASP VERSION: 2.0.5
    RELEASE DATE: 14 Nov 2023

    SG 5 Update #7

    This update adds the following enhancements:

    • – Web server enhancements:
      • > Performance tuning of the web redirect component to handle more load especially for the larger capacity product models
      • > Enhanced stability under some load conditions
    • – Admin GUI enhancements:
      • > Sync feature of ANTlabs Service Provider page enhanced to show the status of the most recent sync of gateway settings from ASP and allow user to view the details of the synced settings (plans, portals, bandwidth, VLANs)
      • > Show system name in login page and at the top banner after login
        • *Note: system name is configured at Settings > SNMP and will take effect upon logging out and logging back in to the admin GUI. The reboot recommendation you get after the save is for the purpose of applying changes (if any) to other SNMP settings that require other services such as the client manager to restart, so the reboot recommendation can be safely ignored where no such changes are made.

    The following bug fixes are included in this update:

    • – Network-related fixes:
      • > Fix WAN SNAT
        • – Fix gateway not responding to configured SNAT IP ranges on the WAN interface
        • – Fix issue where HA passive node responds to SNAT IP on the WAN interface
      • > Fix passive node in HA setup to not respond to ARP requests for LAN IP
      • > Fix static source routes not taking effect
    • – Prepare for pairing command (invoked via admin GUI or CLI) enhanced to reset the HA node identifier to fix loss of HA communications after a cloned vSG node joins the active node from which it was cloned
    • – Network bandwidth-related fixes:
      • > SG 5400 only – Fix QoS server so VLAN-tagged client traffic goes under the assigned QoS tier
      • > Fix speed optimization (turning off redirection of some downstream traffic to a QoS concentrator) not taking effect under some conditions
    • – Fix PMS room change not triggering dynamic PAN VLAN update for the guest’s user account, so user device could not go under the new room’s mapped VLAN even after re-associating with the downstream WiFi network
    • – Fix bugs in syncing of plans/locations from ASP:
      • > Fix sync errors of existing plans with mismatched plan types
      • > Fix autologin location not honouring the assigned plan bandwidth settings
      • > Fix fallback web-based mechanism of autologin locations not granting internet access
    • – Fix notification of software update level difference between two HA nodes not showing upon logging in to admin GUI
    • – Authentication log-related fixes
      • > Fill in appropriate error messages for:
        • – User account creation error for the RADIUS authentication scenario
        • – Some rare errors encountered during SMS-verified form authentication
      • > Fix additional ‘Fail’ authentication log being created, resulting in two logs for the same login attempt — one ‘Incomplete’, the other ‘Fail’ — when social media platform invokes callback to the gateway with an error condition. Should just update the first log from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘Fail’.

    Release Date: 20 JULY 2023
    Update File Name: 07.SG5000_base-sys-snat-202300508-01.pkg
    MD5 Checksum: 39bd9ff806d634ebda21323441475170

    ASP 2.0 Update #4


    • – Added Transaction Report and Revenue Report for Global Account and Global Code
    • – Enhanced the Global Code GUI to generate a single code
    • – Enhanced the Global Account/Code list not to call external API for each record to get data
    • – Added option to delete expired Global Accounts/Codes
    • – Added Download function to download Global Accounts/Codes
    • – Changed column name from “Expected End Time” to “Valid Until” in Global Account/Code list.
    • – Added Remember Org ID option in SSO login page
    • – Added Physical IP Address column in Assets > Gateways List
    • – New option in built-in templates to add a second logo for provider branding in the page footer
    • – Added default error for form user’s invalid email verification link
    • – Enhanced equipment add/edit/delete/move function not to rollback if admin log insertion failed.
    • – Allowed to create admin level 2 – 99 for all organizations
    • – Allowed to create the same admin email under different organizations
    • – Improved the site duplicate performance when site has big portals
    • – Allowed to upload .svg format for logo, backgraound, slider images in portals

    Bug Fixes

    • – If site has dedicated cloud gateway, keep existing cloud gateway assigned to site even all equipments are removed from site
    • – Fixed editable custome portal uploaded logo/banner images are not saved
    • – Fixed permission check for Portal Edit icon, Global Account Add button, Site Edit icon and Allocate buttons in overview page
    • – Change minimum upload/download bandwidth value from 0 to 1 in each QoS class
    • – Fixed a portal resources synchronization failure that occurs when the portal size is 800 MB.
    • – Fixed issue when restoring gateway configurations, if the gateway is unable to report its status to ASP, the restore status stuck with the message ‘Restore request initiated. Please check again later”
    • – Fixed missing organization name in organization license report email
    • – Fixed discrepancy between the number of records specified and the number of records shown in Global Account list GUI
    • – Fixed search issue in Global Accont/Code list.
    • – Fixed search issue in Transaction Report
    • – Fixed 500 server error in Gateway License
    • – Fixed permission check in Site Management > Bandwidth menu
    • – Fixed the login redirection issue that can cause a 404 not found error
    • – Fixed high CPU utilization caused by local datetime update cronjob
    • – Fixed the issue with the total value of new users in the data table. The problem was that the calculation didn’t include the last row.
    • – Fixed missing module which can cause tunnel server connection check failure
    • – Fixed session report that does not show records on some dates when the start delay time is huge
    • – Fixed issue where the ‘First Login Time’ was not updated when a user logged in with a global account or code
    • – Fixed issue where ASP logo was hidden in some screen sizes
    • – Fixed Global Code table header and data column not matched when logged in as view-only admin
    • – Fixed portal logo partially hidden in Macbook Devices
    • – Fixed custom portal success, error and login pages selection lost if form is refreshed


    • – Added new API: Organization License GET to retrieve information about Organization License. This API can be used to obtain details such as login license limit, global account license limit, modules allocated to organization. Additionally, it provides usage values.
    • – Added new API: Site License GET to retrieve information about Site License. This API can be used to obtain details such as login license limit, webfiltering license limit, modules allocated to site. Additionally, it provides usage values.
    • – Enhanced Global Code Add API to allow to generate single code

    ASP VERSION: 2.0.4
    RELEASE DATE:29 May 2023

    SG 5 Update #6

    This update updates the default SSL certificate. New expiry date is 13 April 2024.

    Release Date: 22 Mar 2023
    Update File Name:06.SG5000_base-hotfix-certificate-202300320-01.pkg
    File Size: 22 KB
    MD5 Checksum: 5ff999f0c4c5b6e1211d5f44c5cdfca9