Category: Advisories

    Publication Date: 30 Sep 2024

    Key Changes in iOS 18

    iOS 18 introduces a significant update in how devices manage MAC address randomization, enhancing user privacy. The feature, known as “Rotate Wi-Fi Address,” will change the MAC address of a device every 2 weeks. In the example below, the Private Wi-Fi Address setting for the particular Wi-Fi network has been set to “Rotating”, meaning that MAC Address randomization is enabled on the iOS device.

    iOS 18 MAC Randomization Feature – Under Settings->Wi-Fi->
    Click the “i” to see the “Private Wi-Fi Address” Setting


    Rotating value indicates MAC Randomization in effect

    Impact on Non-Secure SSIDs

    For hotels offering public or guest Wi-Fi, this can create challenges. Guests who return after two weeks may experience login prompts as if they’re connecting for the first time. For long-stay guests, iOS 18’s MAC address randomization will cause them to see the login page again every two weeks, even if they’ve previously connected. As the network no longer recognizes their device, this disrupts what should be a seamless reconnection process.

    Negative Effect on Guest Experience

    Frequent re-authentication could frustrate returning guests, particularly those expecting uninterrupted access after an initial login. In an environment where guest satisfaction is paramount, these repeated prompts may lead to negative feedback, even though it’s caused by Apple’s privacy updates.   Another critical issue is that hotel Wi-Fi networks lose the ability to retain their guest device and status recognition, preventing network services from providing differentiating services like higher bandwidth for elite members, or auto-completion of guest details and accord privileges reserved for elite members.

    Solutions to Consider

    Short-Term Solution: Guests can disable MAC randomization for your network through their device settings, but this solution places the responsibility on them.  To do so, guests can select “Fixed” under the Private Wi-Fi address setting.

    A Long-Term Strategy: To mitigate these disruptions, consider integrating network solutions designed to handle iOS 18’s privacy features without affecting the guest experience. At ANTlabs, we specialize in networking solutions like Hotspot 2.0 or Wi-Fi profile that address these changes head-on, ensuring smooth and consistent connectivity for your guests while keeping their privacy intact.

    Next Steps

    Now is the time to explore more robust, long-term options. Contact ANTlabs to discuss how we can help your network adapt to these changes, improving both guest satisfaction and network management efficiency.

    Talk to us to know more about ANTlabs Hotspot 2.0 solutions to solve the MAC Randomization issue.

    Source:  Apple Support – Use private Wi-Fi addresses on Apple devices (Scroll to the section “Learn how this feature works”)

  • Advisory: Log4j vulnerability

    Publication Date: 16 December 2021 We are aware of a new security vulnerability targeting the open source Log4j logging utility that was announced recently. The vulnerability allows hackers to execute malicious code on servers and client machines. ANTlabs products are not affected by this vulnerability as we do not use the Log4j logging utility. Please […]

  • Advisory: HTTPS Walled Garden URLs for Payment Gateways

    Updated: 23 July 2020 We have added the walled garden HTTPS domains feature as the recommended approach to allow downstream devices to access the payment gateways before login. In doing so, we are effectively decommissioning the IP Address-based walled garden configuration. As such, it is advised to add the relevant HTTPS domains to the walled […]

  • Advisory: Instagram WiFi Login [UPDATED]

    Last Updated: Oct 15, 2020 – The Instagram WiFi login issue has been resolved with the recent ANTlabs Update #41 for both IG 4 and SG 4. Admins are advised to apply the latest update on their gateways to ensure a smoother login flow. After updating gateways to Update #41, using the Instagram login method […]

  • Advisory: Depecrated WeChat Portal Login

    [UPDATED: 19 Jan 2021] WeChat login is now once again working as one of the ANTlabs social WiFi login methods. WeChat login requires the following update to be installed on these gateways: IG 4 Update #42 SG 4 Update #42 IG 4 S Series Update #4 SG 4 S Series Update #4 [Advisory Date: 20 […]

  • Publication Date: 7 July 2019
    Last Updated: 27 August 2019

    It has come to our attention that some users have been experiencing a delay in loading captive portals on Apple devices. The said delay sometimes takes up to a minute. This behavior has been observed on devices that are on iOS 12. It was also observed that there is no issue on other iOS devices that are on earlier versions, Android, OSX, and Windows devices.

    to Apple forum discussions, Apple has been informed and has acknowledged the
    issue. Although it has not been confirmed officially by Apple, sources say that
    it has been partially fixed in iOS 12.4 Beta 3 and additional fixes are
    expected in iOS 13. iOS 12.4 is expected to be out in a month, and iOS 13 in
    the Fall.

    We have released IG 4 Update #34 which includes improvement on how the gateway handles CaptiveNetworkPortal agent to help speed up the loading of captive portals. Please update your gateways to the latest patch.

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  • captive portal https redirection
    Browsers warn its users of potential security risk when they detect that the requested domain name and the certificate offered to it doesn’t match

    What to do when users get browser and smartphone security warnings when connecting to your network

    ANTlabs gateways have a unique feature that can redirect HTTPS web requests to the captive portal or landing page. This feature was very useful earlier in comparison to other competitors that can only redirect HTTP web requests, thus enhancing customer experience.

    Recently, browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox started to warn their users of a potential security risk when they detect that the requested domain name and the certificate offered to it doesn’t match. This warning page allows users to accept the risk and continue, after which the users will be redirected to the captive portal or landing page. However, with even stricter control by the browsers and some of the latest smartphones, this warning message has deterred users to login to the WiFi network.

    This advisory explains the different issues related to the HTTPS and captive portal or landing page redirection and suggests several options and recommendations to overcome them. Note: ‘ANTlabs gateway’ could mean any series of SSG, SG, and IG gateway models. This advisory also assumes that the captive portal’s domain name uses the default domain name. For a custom domain name with a valid certificate matching the domain name, the warning messages or certificate errors may or may not appear depending upon the browsers and OS versions.

    Current User Experience on Different Devices and Browsers


    The following flow describes the user experience when connecting to the WiFi network using his Windows 10 OS on a Laptop or Notebook.

    • User connects to the Open WiFi SSID
    • The Laptop or Notebook obtains IP address
    • Windows 10 WiFi Manager will detect that the device does not have internet access and opens the default browser with a HTTP website and check if it can reach this website.
    • Since the laptop does not have internet access yet, ANTlabs gateway will then redirect the HTTP page to the HTTPS-based captive portal or landing page
    • Depending upon the browser, the user will see different messages or warnings, as shown on the images:

    Microsoft Edge

    microsoft edge captive portal redirection
    Microsoft Edge – The user should click on “Go on to the webpage (not recommended)” to see the captive portal or landing page.

    Google Chrome

    chrome captive portal redirection https
    Google Chrome – The user should click on “CONNECT” to see the captive portal or landing page.

    Mozilla Firefox

    firefox captive portal https
    Mozilla Firefox – The user should click on “Open Network Login Page” to see the captive portal or landing page.

    Internet Explorer

    captive portal redirection https
    Internet Explorer – The user should click on “Go on to the webpage (not recommended)” to see the captive portal or landing page.

    Smartphones with Apple iOS or Android OS

    The following flow describes the user experience when connecting to the WiFi network using his Smartphones running on either latest Apple iOS or Android OS

    android captive portal https
    Apple latest iOS – The user should click on “Continue” to see the captive portal or landing page

    captive portal https android
    Android OS – The user should click on “CONNECT” to see the captive portal or landing page

      1. Auto–popup of device pseudo-browser
        • User connects to the Open WiFi SSID
        • The Smartphone obtains IP address
        • Apple’s Captive Network Assistant (CNA) and Android’s Captive portal login shall detect that the smartphone does not have internet access and auto-popups the HTTPS captive portal or landing page
        • The user will see warning messages as shown on the images:
      2. Login using devices’ mobile browser and entering HTTPS website manually
        • User connects to the Open WiFi SSID
        • The Smartphone obtains IP address
        • The pseudo browser is disabled
        • User opens the native browser and types in a HTTPS web request
        • The browser detects that the requested HTTPS domain name and the offered Certificate domain names mismatch and shows a warning page
        • User clicks on continue to the website and sees the captive portal or landing page
      3. Login using devices’ mobile browser and entering HTTP with HSTS enabled manually
        • User connects to the Open WiFi SSID
        • The Smartphone obtains IP address
        • The pseudo browser is disabled
        • User opens the native browser and types in a HTTP web request
        • The HTTP Web server has HSTS enabled and hence redirects to its HTTPS domain
        • The browser detects that the requested HTTPS domain name and the offered Certificate domain names mismatch and shows a warning page
        • User clicks on continue to the website and sees the captive portal or landing page
        • Some stricter websites such as google does not allow the option to proceed, if used on a Google Chrome web browser.
    1. Analysis

      HTTPS is designed to protect the users from man-in-the-middle and eavesdropping attacks. Web browsers have pre-installed certificate authorities in their software to trust HTTPS websites. Latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Smartphone pseudo browsers changed the way to warn their users when they detect any abnormality in the way a HTTPS website should naturally work.

      The following are the different types of issues that the browsers shall respond with for HTTPS captive portal or landing page:


      Whenever a web browser requests for a HTTPS website, the website will provide a valid certificate with the hostname of the certificate matching the exact domain name or sub-domains in case of wildcard certificates.

      Before a client is authenticated or logged in to the WiFi network, ANTlabs gateway redirects the HTTPS request and provides it with its own certificate. When the browser detects that the requested HTTPS domain name and the received certificate hostname mismatches, it shows a warning page.

      1. E.g. 1: The user is browsing . ANTlabs gateway redirects the user to… If the ANTlabs gateway provides the browser with a certificate with hostname for, but the requested website was, due to this mismatch, the browser displays security warning message and with an option to continue or cancel the request.
      2. E.g. 2:  the browser redirects to the landing page with domain name but the certificate hostname is


    The browser complains that a certificate is “Untrusted” for two reasons, as below:

        1. If the certificate is a self-signed certificate. i.e. it is not signed by a global trusted CA
        2. If the device cannot verify the root CA or the root CA is not in the device trusted list


    HTTP Strick Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism which allows web servers to declare that web browsers should only interact with it using a secure HTTPS mechanism.

    When a web application issues HSTS Policy to the web browser, those web browsers that conform behave as follows:

        1. Automatically turn any HTTP links referencing the web application into secure links. (For instance, will be modified to before accessing the server.)
        2. If the security of the connection cannot be ensured (e.g. the server’s TLS certificate is not trusted), show an error message and do not allow the user to access the web application.

    Solutions for Mitigating Captive Portal HTTPS Reditect Issue

    To overcome the issues in modern web browsers, the following solutions are proposed:


    It is advisable to purchase and use a certificate that is signed by a Global Trusted Root CA. This Root CA should be as part of the trusted list for major devices such as Apple, Android, Windows and operating systems. If there are intermediate CA certificates, those should also be added in the ANTlabs gateway.


    It is recommended to whitelist or wall-garden the HTTP domains in the HTTPS domains as well. This shall ensure that those HTTP Web servers that are configured for HSTS will still be able to be accessed before login, and thereby will not show any warning messages.


    In addition to the above prevention methods, the ANTlabs Gateway will also be configured to drop all HTTPS requests before user login. This will solve the security warning messages that the users are currently seeing in their browsers. Instead, users will see a default browser page that states that the connection to the website cannot be established. With the majority of the latest browsers automatically verify and redirect based on HTTP websites and pop-up the pseudo-browsers, this method shall enhance the user experience.

    NOTE: Older operating systems that may use HTTPS requests to auto-popup pseudo browsers shall show a network connection error message in the pop-up browser

    Industry References in Solving this Browser Behavior

    Most of the CSPs that provide Public WiFi is moving towards seamless authentication mechanisms that do not use the captive portal or landing pages. Various EAP methods such as EAP-SIM/AKA, EAP-PEAP, EAP-TTLS are being used to authenticate the users seamlessly. In some customers, the EAP methods are combined with mobile applications, thereby making it easier for users to onboard and authenticate. Apart from EAP methods, some customers are also implementing Mobile applications with WISPr 1.2 based authentication method. If for marketing purposes and customer engagement the captive portal or landing page is necessary, ANTlabs gateway’s unique feature allows to pop-up the page after the user has been authenticated using any of the above mechanisms.

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