Publication Date: 30 Sep 2024

    Key Changes in iOS 18

    iOS 18 introduces a significant update in how devices manage MAC address randomization, enhancing user privacy. The feature, known as “Rotate Wi-Fi Address,” will change the MAC address of a device every 2 weeks. In the example below, the Private Wi-Fi Address setting for the particular Wi-Fi network has been set to “Rotating”, meaning that MAC Address randomization is enabled on the iOS device.

    iOS 18 MAC Randomization Feature – Under Settings->Wi-Fi->
    Click the “i” to see the “Private Wi-Fi Address” Setting


    Rotating value indicates MAC Randomization in effect

    Impact on Non-Secure SSIDs

    For hotels offering public or guest Wi-Fi, this can create challenges. Guests who return after two weeks may experience login prompts as if they’re connecting for the first time. For long-stay guests, iOS 18’s MAC address randomization will cause them to see the login page again every two weeks, even if they’ve previously connected. As the network no longer recognizes their device, this disrupts what should be a seamless reconnection process.

    Negative Effect on Guest Experience

    Frequent re-authentication could frustrate returning guests, particularly those expecting uninterrupted access after an initial login. In an environment where guest satisfaction is paramount, these repeated prompts may lead to negative feedback, even though it’s caused by Apple’s privacy updates.   Another critical issue is that hotel Wi-Fi networks lose the ability to retain their guest device and status recognition, preventing network services from providing differentiating services like higher bandwidth for elite members, or auto-completion of guest details and accord privileges reserved for elite members.

    Solutions to Consider

    Short-Term Solution: Guests can disable MAC randomization for your network through their device settings, but this solution places the responsibility on them.  To do so, guests can select “Fixed” under the Private Wi-Fi address setting.

    A Long-Term Strategy: To mitigate these disruptions, consider integrating network solutions designed to handle iOS 18’s privacy features without affecting the guest experience. At ANTlabs, we specialize in networking solutions like Hotspot 2.0 or Wi-Fi profile that address these changes head-on, ensuring smooth and consistent connectivity for your guests while keeping their privacy intact.

    Next Steps

    Now is the time to explore more robust, long-term options. Contact ANTlabs to discuss how we can help your network adapt to these changes, improving both guest satisfaction and network management efficiency.

    Talk to us to know more about ANTlabs Hotspot 2.0 solutions to solve the MAC Randomization issue.

    Source:  Apple Support – Use private Wi-Fi addresses on Apple devices (Scroll to the section “Learn how this feature works”)

    Unlocking Hotel IT: A Game-Changer for Guest Experience

    The Luxury Paradox: Why IT Often Falls Behind

    As a frequent business traveler, I’ve had the privilege of staying in some of the most luxurious hotels across the globe. Each time I walk into a hotel room, I’m greeted by a meticulously designed space where every detail—from the plush bed to the invigorating shower—exceeds the comforts of home. The room service is impeccable, and the guest services are always a phone call away, ready to cater to my every need. And while we’re talking about impressive service, let’s not forget that a plumber and aircon repair person on call 24/7 and arriving within 15-20 minutes is nothing short of amazing! It’s the epitome of luxury, and yet, there’s one aspect that consistently falls short: the IT infrastructure.

    Despite the lavish amenities, the IT experience in most hotels is often lackluster compared to what I have at home. Think about it: I enjoy a blazing 10Gbps FTTH connection at home, secure access to my Wi-Fi 7 router, and seamless casting to my big-screen TV. In contrast, hotel Wi-Fi is often slow, inconsistent, and requires re-authentication (depending on which HSIA solution). Casting content from my phone to the hotel TV, if possible, is usually a frustrating process involving outdated technology.

    The TikTok Generation’s Expectations: More Than Meets the Wi-Fi 😉

    For today’s travelers, especially the Gen Zs and the TikTok generation, this disparity is more than just an inconvenience—it’s a deal-breaker. This demographic has grown up with technology as an integral part of their lives, and their expectations are sky-high. They’re not just looking for a place to sleep; they want an experience that complements their digitally connected lifestyle. If a hotel can’t provide that, they’ll quickly turn to one that can.

    Bridging the Gap: Integrating Loyalty Programs with IT

    Moreover, there’s another critical aspect that many hotels overlook: the integration of IT infrastructure with loyalty programs. In an industry known for high turnover and fierce competition for manpower, it’s all too common for guest preferences to be overlooked or for elite status to go unrecognized. While long-serving staff members might remember returning guests and their preferences, a new intern or less experienced staff member often lacks the knowledge or empowerment to provide the personalized service elite members expect. This can lead to frustrating experiences where the frequent traveler feels undervalued and their requests mishandled.

    By integrating loyalty program databases with the hotel’s IT services, hotels can ensure that a guest’s preferences and status are immediately recognized, no matter who is attending to them. Imagine walking into your room to find a QR code for ordering room service (with elite status discounts applied) or submitting service requests via an app or web portal that auto-fills your preferences from the last stay, making it easy to get what you need without picking up the phone.

    Small Investments, Big Impact: The Case for IT Upgrades

    Here’s a perspective that may surprise you: the investment required to upgrade IT infrastructure is often a fraction of what hotels spend on other luxury amenities. For instance, the cost of implementing a high-speed Wi-Fi network with modern digital service solutions might be comparable to, or even less than, the annual expenditure on premium coffee beans for the hotel’s restaurant or the routine deep cleaning of carpets. These investments in IT not only enhance guest satisfaction but also offer long-term value that can significantly boost a hotel’s reputation and guest loyalty.

    In an era where physical luxury is becoming increasingly standardized across brands, the next frontier of competition lies in the digital experience. And this is where IT infrastructure comes into play.

    Future-Proofing Hospitality: Embracing IT for Long-Term Success

    This is where companies like ANTlabs come in. As a leader in providing cutting-edge solutions for the hospitality industry, ANTlabs understands the critical role that robust IT infrastructure plays in enhancing the guest experience. From high-speed internet access to seamless TV casting and integrating digital service requests via QR codes and apps with the loyalty membership system and property management system, ANTlabs offers a suite of hospitality solutions designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s tech-savvy travelers.

    Imagine a hotel where the Wi-Fi is as fast and reliable as what guests have at home, where they can easily cast their favorite shows from their devices to the in-room TV with just a tap, and where QR codes enable quick ordering of room service or submission of service requests. Such features might seem like small incremental upgrades, but they can significantly enhance the guest experience, making their stay not just comfortable, but memorable.


    Investing in robust IT infrastructure is no longer optional; it’s essential. Hotels that recognize this and take proactive steps to upgrade their technology will not only meet but exceed the expectations of their tech-savvy guests. They’ll create an environment where the digital experience matches—or even surpasses—the luxury of the physical space.

    For the hospitality industry, this is an opportunity to differentiate in a highly competitive market. By prioritizing IT infrastructure, hotels can ensure that their guests feel as connected and comfortable as they do at home, if not more so. This isn’t just about keeping up with the times—it’s about staying ahead of the curve and setting new standards for what it means to offer a truly exceptional stay.

    As we move forward, the hotels that invest in their IT infrastructure and integrate it with their loyalty programs will be the ones that win the loyalty of the next generation of travelers. And in a world where guest satisfaction is the ultimate measure of success, this is an investment that will pay off in more ways than one.

    End Credits:

    In the spirit of full transparency—and because honesty is always the best policy—I’d like to thank my AI co-author for its tireless work on this article. While I was busy sipping hotel room coffee and reminiscing about my latest travels, my AI sidekick was feverishly ensuring my grammar was flawless, my arguments were sharp, and my puns were (mostly) on point.

    Yes, you heard that right—this article was brought to life with a little help from AI. But don’t worry, no robots were harmed (or overworked) in the making of this post. Just a digital assistant doing its part to help me sound smarter and save time. If you think this article was a tad bit longer than necessary, well, that’s because it’s my style and I’ve edited the drafts just the way I like it. Again, a demonstration that technology should be used to make things work easier for me and you.

    So, the next time you’re enjoying seamless Wi-Fi or using a QR code to order room service in a hotel room, just remember: technology is here to make everything better, even blog posts. And if my AI co-author keeps this up, it might just ask for a raise—or at least a coffee break.

    ASP 2.0 Update #6

    New Service : ANTlabsEzScan

    ANTlabsEzScan license configuration to organization and site
    ANTlabsEzScan scan list report and scan summary report


    • Enhanced Roaming Session page to support partial search
    • Enhanced editable custom portal to allow changing the button background color for <button> and <a> tags only
    • Enhanced Site Licese Allcoation not to pass extra licenses to License server
    • Added form user delete functionality
    • Added new payment method ‘Cybersource’ to portal authentication
    • Added new report: Report & Analytics > Licenses > Organization Usage to show logged in device usage
    • Added a check to display the ‘Allow Post’ and ‘Follow Guest Departure Date’ options only for supported PMS types
    • Added Update Level in site download CSV
    • Updated the plan add/edit form to include the roaming option for the Unlimited plan
    • Updated Room Device page to prevent enabling a room device when the room number is empty
    • Updated US phone number of support to ‘+1-904-430-8477’
    • Upgraded editable custom portal color dialog to display more color options
    • Changed the license count logic for Other Connectors to count 1 for all equipment assigned to a site
    • Changed the Global Transaction Download CSV date format from UTC to the local timezone
    • Allowed Org Super Admin to edit their own accounts as well as those of other Org Super Admins
    • Allowed Platform Admins to manage other Platform Admin accounts
    • Allowed to select 1 year for the License Summary report
    • Allowed to create local accounts while the organization uses SAML or RADIUS authentication
    • Allowed to show or delete portals when the site has no gateway assigned
    • Allowed to show or delete plans and bandwidth configurations when the site has no gateway assigned
    • If there is only one plan available with a price of 0, hide the plan select box and automatically select this plan by default on the downstream login page.


    • Added new API to add scan record
    • Added new API to show all VLANs
    • Added new API to show all location portals
    • Added new API to update VLAN’s location
    • Added new API to reset global account usage
    • Added new API to reset global account password
    • Updated organization License Update API to accept new input ‘scanLicenseLimit’
    • Updated Organization License GET API to show scan license limit and usage
    • Updated site License Update API to accept new input’scanLicenseLimit’
    • Updated site License GET API to show scan license limit and usage
    • Updated Global Account GET API to include first login time and usage information in the API output
    • Updated Global Account GET ALL API to support filtering by ValidUntil date range
    • Updated Global Account Update API to return httpd code 400 when oldPassword input is incorrect
    • Updated Roaming User GET ALL API to support both MAC Address and UserId input
    • Fixed user_update API to return 301: user not found error when user does not exist
    • Fixed Roaming User GET API incorrectly returning ‘User not found’ although user exists
    • Enhanced Roaming Add/Edit API to accept a new input parameter ‘expiry’ for passing the expiry date and time string of a roaming account
    • Enhanced the Site Add/Edit API error messages to align with the API documentation
    • Enhanced the Organization Gateway API error messages to align with the API documentation – Enhanced the Site Add/Edit API error messages to align with the API documentation
    • Enhanced Roaming User GET API to support both MAC Address and UserId input
    • Fixed Site GET API to display ACG information when an ACG is assigned to the site
    • Fixed the Site GET/GET ALL API to display an empty array [] when no gateway is assigned
    • Fixed the Site GET/GET ALL API to display an empty array [] when no equipment is assigned
    • Fixed a critical error in the Global Code Add API when the TruAuth IP is invalid
    • Fixed issue where sites are not removed from admin if the admin group level is changed to below 50
    • Fixed the issue where unselecting an admin group clears the existing site and site group selection
    • Fixed the critical error in the Admin Add API
    • Fixed Admin GET API API to allow to filter by ‘group’

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed only displays Zones 1 to 5 for the SG5400. It should display up to Zone 15.
    • Fixed memory limit issue in Global Account download
    • Fixed Roaming GUI: Filter by “Valid Until” field displays empty results
    • Fixed Scan Report download functionality
    • Fixed 500 server error in site show/detail page
    • Fixed site duplication failed on the second attempt
    • Fixed the site edit form to display only the modules that have been added in the confirmation box, rather than showing all modules
    • Fixed the issue where the error ‘304: Data is saved into the database, but the configuration fails to be committed’ occurred when the TruAuth API user_add was called concurrently more than 10 times
    • Fixed the issue with downloading user details failing and resulting in an empty txt file when the site name contains ‘|’
    • Fixed issue of some global accounts are not found in the TruAuth database
    • Fixed issue of site backup failure when the backup file is large
    • Fixed the alignment issue with the column headers in the generated CSV session report and added missing headers for OS, Device, and Browser
    • Fixed 500 server error in backup restore functionality
    • Fixed Global Account GUI to allow capital letters in email field
    • Fixed Site Duplicate form to always show the delete data option, regardless of whether the Web Filtering option is selected
    • Fixed missing pagination issue in the global account list
    • Fixed issue where the slider URL in the custom portal was not shown in the edit form after saving
    • Fixed 500 server error on the site show/detail page, which occurred when the database password contained special characters
    • Fixed an issue where the ‘New room device detected’ message was not refreshing when the site selection was changed
    • Fixed the date format issue in the Room Device CSV download
    • Fixed an issue where organization service_start, service_expiry, and grace period were not sent to the licensor when they are empty
    • Fixed the issue where editing a site shortcut redirected to a 405 Method Not Allowed page
    • Fixed the cut-off issue in the Top Site report on the Preview and Download pages
    • Fixed fully custom portal to configure URL parameters for external URLs
    • Fixed application rule to prevent the minimum value from being higher than the maximum value
    • Fixed the issue where deleting an organization on the service overview page redirects to the organization list page
    • Fixed database error when a negative value is saved to the organization Grace Period
    • Fixed the issue where the Global Transaction download kept showing 0%

    ASP VERSION: 2.0.6
    RELEASE DATE: 26 Jun 2024

    ANTlabsEzCast Update #2


    • – Update of the SSL certificate. New expiry date on 8 August 2025.0
    • – CLI
      • > New healthcheck CLI command to display the system uptime, memory status and other system state
      • > New date and setdate commands to show and set system date/time respectively.
        • setdate requires supervisor mode

    Bug Fixes

    • – Reboot causes the system time to change for vEC
    • – Disk full issue caused by incorrect log clean-up configuration.
    • – DHCP service not starting properly after an improper shutdown.
    • – Firewall rules blocking asymmetric routing

    RELEASE DATE: 26 Jul 2024

    SG 4 Update #51

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • > Fix the issue where hourly jobs are not run
      • – One of the hourly jobs delete cookies (user relogin sessions) that are no longer needed. The other log-rotates the local lawful intercept log if it has grown too large.
    • > Do a one-time purge of expired cookies and orphaned cookies (those not associated with any user account)
      • – This is done in the background and will not lock up the cookie database for the entire duration of the operation, allowing user login/logout to proceed without user-perceivable performance degradation.
      • – Please allow for up to 4 minutes for this background job to finish purging the unneeded cookies.
    • > Add TLS 1.2 support to a PHP email client component that is configured at Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client > External
    • > Note: Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client is the GUI for configuring the smtp_post API module’s SMTP settings. External SMTP is one of the options.
      smtp_post is used by the built-in email-verified form login processor to send out the verification email.

    Update Release No. 51
    Release Date: 13 Jun 2024
    Update File Name: 51.SG4000_base-hotfix-system-20240508-01.pkg
    (md5: d479a8759d398932e83d5cfe41733f3b)


    IG 4 Update #51

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • > Fix the issue where hourly jobs are not run
      • – One of the hourly jobs delete cookies (user relogin sessions) that are no longer needed. The other log-rotates the local lawful intercept log if it has grown too large.
    • > Do a one-time purge of expired cookies and orphaned cookies (those not associated with any user account)
      • – This is done in the background and will not lock up the cookie database for the entire duration of the operation, allowing user login/logout to proceed without user-perceivable performance degradation.
      • – Please allow for up to 4 minutes for this background job to finish purging the unneeded cookies.
    • > Add TLS 1.2 support to a PHP email client component that is configured at Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client > External
    • > Note: Admin GUI > Settings > Email Client is the GUI for configuring the smtp_post API module’s SMTP settings. External SMTP is one of the options.
      smtp_post is used by the built-in email-verified form login processor to send out the verification email.

    Update Release No. 51
    Release Date: 13 Jun 2024
    Update File Name: 51.IG4000_base-hotfix-system-20240508-01.pkg
    (md5: e839b39c528c6a073e7c47c459924548)


    SG 5 Update #9

    This update includes the following fixes:

    • – Fix the issue where the hourly scheduled job that does file rotation for the local lawful intercept logs is not running
    • – Fix the VLAN not being updated in the session monitor page when there is a change of VLAN for a downstream device

    Release Date: 30 April 2024
    Update File Name: 09.SG5000_base-sys-hotfix-20240425-01.pkg
    MD5 Checksum: 6d1e7a45b81b7ac9303286374cf392de
    File size: 452 KB

    IG 4 Update #50

    This update updates the gateway’s default ( SSL certificate. The new SSL certificate’s expiry is 14 April 2025.

    Update Release No. 50
    Release Date: 25 Mar 2024
    Update File Name: 50.IG4000_base-hotfix-certificate-20240321-01.pkg
    (md5: 84737fae98d73d505603a9a4988e9324)


    SG 4 UPDATE #50

    This update updates the gateway’s default ( SSL certificate. The new SSL certificate’s expiry is 14 April 2025.

    Update Release No. 50
    Release Date: 25 Mar 2024
    Update File Name: 50.SG4000_base-hotfix-certificate-20240321-01.pkg
    (md5:  974f48d26ac01c72ae743138b0478a03)

    SG 5 Update #8

    Release Date: 18 March 2024
    Update File Name:08.SG5000_base-sys-bulk04-20230822-01.pkg
    MD5 Checksum: a017b1e7574c0fe1da181c719c2d5560
    File size: 173 MB

    Note: this update takes up to 3 minutes to complete. Please wait for the update to complete. After the software update has been completed, the Updates GUI page will be updated to show the update status. While the software update is in progress, please do not start another instance of Update 8 patching.